
Together with a team from my company I am using BPMOnline trial version to evaluate its possibilities. Sadly, anything we introduce to new packages (including Custom) disappears after a few hours without a trace, thus rendering our efforts futile. No, we did not delete packages manually as technical support suggested.

Is it an issue connected to trial version? How can we overcome this issue?

Thank you,

Michał Świnoga

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Dear Michał Świnoga,

Bpm'online has no functionality for deleting the packages automatically, it can only be dome manually. Unfortunately, there is no logging for the configuration in order to track the actual deleting.

You can deploy the application locally in order to avoid having such situation. Feel free to send an email to support@bpmonline.com for receiving the files needed for on-site application.

With best regardsm

Oliver Wingston

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Hello Community!

I have a custom package with a section and need to use the 


I did add the dependence in the code and NUI dependence in the package, put the filter in the attributes like:

            "Owner": {

                "dataValueType": Terrasoft.DataValueType.LOOKUP,

                "lookupListConfig": {"filter": BaseFiltersGenerateModule.OwnerFilter}


add the reference in the top like:


define("UsrMycustomPage", ['BaseFiltersGenerateModule'], function(BaseFiltersGenerateModule) {


but when debbug the code the variable is not reference.


I'm are missing something?



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Try to open the google chrome console (developer tools) and check the code of the page. It seems like everything should be fine. I've just done the same on my demo and it worked. 


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Hello Community!

I have a custom web service created in a source code c#. How can call this method form a external c# application calling OData Services?




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Dear Federico,

The integration with the web services will be available out of the box in the 7.12 release, which will be available very shortly. The documentation is already present on the academy. You can read more about it in the academy article below:


Warm regards,


Matt Watts,

I have a implementation just like the documentation. 


And want to call the method to get the result from a visual studio project in c#. 

The web service is implemented inside of bpm'online.

Exist a way to call the method from my visual studio project? 

Dear Federico,

The web service you have created is not a part of OData protocol, but a separate controller for the GET or POST methods. Therefore, you need to call it by the means of C# for GET or POST requests:


However, please pay attention, that you need to authorize initially, so to send authorization cookies along with your request. You can also check ServiceHelper schema for the way the URL should look.



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When the user arrive on the webpage:


only "Thanks you page" appears and the "CaseRatingFeedbackPage" client module not used !

(no comment zone and no validation button)


Very thanks



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Dear Davyd,

The case feedback page is linked to the specific portal user. Thus, for it to work correctly, you should have at least one portal license assigned to the portal user with SSPUser name.

You also need to make sure the application webconfig contains the following settings:

In case you are working in the cloud application, please set up the user on your side and provide him with the license and then contact the support team (support@bpmonline.com) in order to change the site configs.





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How to define a section rule condition checking if the current user account is equal to a certain value ?



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Dear Eric,

In case you are working with section wizard, you can apply a rule to the field and use the following condition check.

On the other hand, if you are planning to use ESQ for your purposes, here is a chunk of code to check in your ESQ.

var currentUser = Terrasoft.SysValue.CURRENT_USER.value;
 var sysAdmins = ConfigurationConstants.SysAdminUnit.Id.SysAdministrators;
 var esq = Ext.create("Terrasoft.EntitySchemaQuery", { rootSchemaName: "SysUserInRole" });
 esq.filters.add("SysUser", Terrasoft.createColumnFilterWithParameter(
  Terrasoft.ComparisonType.EQUAL, "SysUser", currentUser));
 esq.filters.add("SysRole", Terrasoft.createColumnFilterWithParameter(
  Terrasoft.ComparisonType.EQUAL, "SysRole", sysAdmins));
 esq.getEntityCollection(function(response) {
  if (response && response.success) {
   var result = response.collection;
   var isSysAdmin = (result.collection.length !== 0);
   scope.set("isSysAdmin", isSysAdmin);
 }, this);

Hope this solves the issue.



Anastasia Botezat,

I'm using section rule condition and i want to check if the currentuser ACCOUNT is equal to an existing account value.


Dear Eric,

In such case there is no possibility to cover the task with only business rule. You have not mentioned the actions you want to execute based on the account, therefore, for an example let's take a field visibility. In the example I will apply visibility condition of the field based on current user account.

Firstly, we will be using other type of business rules, which are not created in the Section Wizard, but in the page schema. You need to go to the system Advanced settings. Find or create a replacing schema for your section page (e.g. OrderPageV2 ). 

In the replacing schema add BINDPARAMETER business rule. See the article for more information and instructions:


So, leftExpression will be indication a field or attribute I want to set visibility to. The rightExpression will be set to my custom attribute, which we will create further. This is a current user account value.

Create your custom attribute. It should look like this:

attributes: {
    "CurrentUserAccount": {
        "type": Terrasoft.ViewModelColumnType.VIRTUAL_COLUMN,
        "dataValueType": Terrasoft.DataValueType.TEXT,
        "value": ''

Now we need to set the attribute. Firstly, create an ESQ function to the SysAdminUnit object in order to obtain the contact of current user. In the callback of the ESQ write another one ESQ to Account object, which uses the received ContactId value to obtain AccountId. This is how to obtain current user id: Terrasoft.SysValue.CURRENT_USER.value;

Final step is to override the onEntityInitialized method to call ESQ function you created in previous step.

Here is a link to the academy on ESQ function:



Anastasia Botezat

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We created a section and can't see the "setup access right" option available on any new record, like it is for any standard section.

Any good reason ?



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Dear Eric,

For the option to set up access rights to appear, the 'Managed by records' option should be turned on for the object in Object Permissions:






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How to modify an existing detail section in an existing section when the detail section doesn't appear ?

Ex : Connexion to a system object.

Is there any way to acces to the list of existing detail sections and ask for "modify" ?



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Hi Eric,

Unfortunately, there is no option to see the list of the existing details or modify the details that are not displayed on the page.

If you need to modify any detail you should display it on the page and then edit. In case you'd like to edit any specific detail and do not remember its name, feel free to register a new detail based on the same object and the edit page for it will be copied from the initial detail automatically.

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It looks like there is no way to use functional roles with portal users.

Am i wrong ?

If yes, why can we see and add "functional roles" in the Portal user section ?

It is even possible to use the "+" option but the list always appears empty.



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Dear Eric,

There is indeed no way to assign the roles to the portal users yet. The roles tab is present here as a pre-configured tab for the users page.

Our R&D has a plan to improve the portal in the future. An overhaul will include the use of the functional roles for the portal users as well.

Warm regards,


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Hello Community! 

I would like to show a % and not the count of records in a graphic. That is posible?


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Dear Federico Buffa,

There is no option to display percent sign in the dashboards in the current version of the system. We have the suggestion registered, though. Thus we’ll consider it to be added in one of our future releases.

With best regards,

Oliver Wingston

This is a great idea. Being able to do some coding would be great for the Dashboards to make own equations for columns

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we need some information regarding section creation with database connectivity. 

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