
I am modifying the Case object in a business process which triggers on the following events:

 - Record Modified (case object)

 - Record Added (case object) 

The modify business process element causes the Record modified event to be triggered and the business process is called again. Is there a way to suppress event generation when I modify the record with Modify Data business process element?


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Dear Hatim,

You can select fields which must be modified to trigger this element(changes expected -> in any of the selected fields).

Best regards,


Angela Reyes,

Thank you Angela. I understand that with "Changes Expected" the trigger can be constrained to go off on changes to specific fields. 

I have a use case in which I am modifying one of the Case field in a business process which is included in the "Changes Expected" list of fields. We need the business process to only trigger when the changes are made to this field from user interface however when we change it from business process using (Modify Data) element, the trigger should be suppressed. Is there a way of achieving this? 


Hatim Hussain,

Can you please specify what's the difference between changes made by users and changes made by BP? Why do you need to divide them, what is your business task? Since you can use filters for data modified (for example start process only if case status was modified to In progress) it is unclear why do you need to divide users and BP. 

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Is there a way to search a contact from command line by any other attribute apart from Full Name (mobile number for example). bpm'online by default searches the search term entered into command line by comparing the search term against full name.

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By default if you enter the phone number the system will show you all records where this number is present. If you see that the global search returns you full name that means either that indexation for the section is disabled (please check it in the section wizard like on the screenshot http://prntscr.com/la5mpt) or that global search is deactivated for your instance. If so you need to create a support request by writing an email to support@bpmonline.com and you need to tell the name of the instance and also provide information on this problem in the email.

Best regards,


Oscar Dylan,

Thank you Oscar for your response. 

Is it also available in v 7.11?

Hatim Hussain,

The functionality of Global Search became available earlier then 7.11 version and if you want to find out the version when it was added then you need to search in release notes here https://academy.bpmonline.com/documents/bpmonline-release-notes-7-13-0. As for indexation in sections - then it became available in 7.12.3 version of the instance.

Please also note that you have on-site instance then you need to follow this article https://academy.bpmonline.com/documents/administration/7-12/global-sear… to set it up.

Best regards,


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What are the conditions to filter and get the "Overdue invoices"?

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First of all, the invoices do not have the due date out of the box, but you can use the date field instead. You need to add a condition, that the date is less than the current date and the invoice status is not final.

Best regards,


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It give me this error : 

 Cannot read property 'High' of undefined 

when I write this code:

filters.add("ActvityStatus", this.Terrasoft.createColumnFilterWithParameter(

                            this.Terrasoft.ComparisonType.EQUAL, "Status",ConfigurationConstants.Activity.Status.High));


why can't access the value 'High' of the lookup 'Status' of the activity object

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Dear Mohamad,

Please follow the steps given by Grigory. The issue is most likely related to not indicated activity status in Configuration Constants.

The other reason could be not indicated ConfigurationConstants as a dependency in the schema. Please check, that you have added it to dependencies:



I  have added it to dependenices


In this case please double-check that you have added "High" activity status to the Configuration Constants.





Anastasia Botezat,

how to do that?

Dear Mohamad,

In order to set needed status you can go two ways:

1. Hard code the Id of needed status. In this case filtration will look like this, where zeros are status Id:

filters.add("ActvityStatus", this.Terrasoft.createColumnFilterWithParameter(
   this.Terrasoft.ComparisonType.EQUAL, "Status", "00000000-0000-0000-0000-00000000"));

2. Go to the system configuration, create a replacing module of ConfigurationConstants schema. Copy all the code from parent ConfigurationConstants schema. Finally, add the activity status to the activity status block in the schema.



Anastasia Botezat,

Thank you

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I really need to solve this question , even a part of them

-Create new filter “Attention” in the Activity section grid page (near Owner and Date filters). When turned on, only overdue activities and high priority 

 today activities should be displayed. Filter should use current user time zone.

 (using code and not filter manually)

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In ActivitySectionV2 do it by analogy with this example

1) Create new filter near Owner and Date filters


    "operation": "insert",

    "parentName": "IsActiveFiltersContainer",

    "propertyName": "items",

    "name": "IsActiveCheckbox",

    "values": {

        "bindTo": "IsActive",

        "caption": "Активные",

        "controlConfig": {

            "className": "Terrasoft.CheckBoxEdit",

            "checkedchanged": {

                "bindTo": "onIsActiveCheckboxChecked"






getFilters: function () {

    var sectionFilters = this.callParent(arguments);



    return sectionFilters;


setIsActiveFilter: function (filterCollection) {

    var isActive = this.get("IsActive");

    if (isActive) {

        if (!filterCollection.contains("IsActiveFilter")) {

            filterCollection.add("IsActiveFilter", this.Terrasoft.createColumnIsNullFilter("Account"));


    } else {




onIsActiveCheckboxChecked: function (value) {

                if (!this.get("IsSectionVisible")) {



                this.set("IsActive", value);

                this.sandbox.publish("FiltersChanged", null, [this.sandbox.id]);



3)Add atribute "IsActive"

attributes: {

      "IsActive": {

          "dataValueType": this.Terrasoft.DataValueType.BOOLEAN,

          "type": this.Terrasoft.ViewModelColumnType.VIRTUAL_COLUMN,

           "value": true





Please see a comment from Grigoriy above, this would help you implement your idea.


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Question :

On the Product edit page, develop a new button or action for calculating product popularity. Popularity is calculated as the ratio of the number 

 of products in invoice records that contain the current product, to the total number of products in invoice records. Display the calculation result 

 as a percentage using the message window.

how to solve it by esq?

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Dear Mohamad,

Please see the ESQ example below. The method can be triggered by the button click on th product page.

checkProductNumber: function() {
				var currentProduct = this.get("Id");
				var esq = Ext.create("Terrasoft.EntitySchemaQuery", { rootSchemaName: "InvoiceProduct" });
				esq.filters.add("Product", Terrasoft.createColumnFilterWithParameter(
					Terrasoft.ComparisonType.EQUAL, "Product", currentProduct));
				esq.getEntityCollection(function(response) {
					if (response && response.success) {
						var quantity = response.collection.collection.length;
						if (quantity > 0) {
							var esq1 = Ext.create("Terrasoft.EntitySchemaQuery", { rootSchemaName: "InvoiceProduct" });
							esq1.getEntityCollection(function(result) {
								if (result && result.success) {
									var total = result.collection.collection.length;
									this.showInformationDialog(quantity / total);
							}, this);
						} else {
							this.showInformationDialog("This product is not indicated in any invoice.");
				}, this);

Hope you will find it helpful.



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 Please help with this question :

Configure settings so that a user cannot save an invoice if the total amount of a customer's debt (taking into account the amount of the current invoice) exceeds $4,000.


what this mean and how to solve it?

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Hello, what you described is an object logic (validation) than can be both created and deleted with code only by a skilled developer.

In many cases our customers implement similar logic purposefully.

If you need our help in resolving this case, please, let us know. 

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How to Create a new filter “Attention” in the Activity section grid page (near Owner and Date filters). When turned on, only overdue activities and high priority 

 today activities should be displayed. Filter should use current user time zone.

Please Help.

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It is better to use advanced filter and apply its settings like on the screenshot http://prntscr.com/kzo5os and save it as a folder and name it for example "Overdue activities". As a result when you open this folder you will get the list of activities that are overdue due to filtering conditions. Or you can create a dashboard that will represent the list of overdue activities due to filtering conditions specified.

Best regards,


Oscar Dylan,

Thank you It was helpful , but I need to know how to create a new custom filter (check box) in the Activity section grid page (near Owner and Date filters) , when I check it , filter the grid  (coding )

mohamad abdallah,

Here is the academy article that describes the process of adding new buttons to the section. It also contains the list of actions that can be performed in the section. This academy article describes how to add the filter block in the section. Hope it helps!


you can go through the link given below. Similarly you can do it in activity page.


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How to calculate the  sum of a user’s activity duration in minutes, for all activities in the last 60 days , and set the value in a field (entity schema query)

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It can be achieved with the help of the business process. First of all you should add the "boolean" type field on the contact's page and on the activity page and name it for example "Is processed". After that you should create a business process with the "Simple" start event that will read "Contact" object, after that there should be "Read data" element that will read "Activity" object with the data read mode set as "Calculate function" and specify the function value as "Sum" by column "Duration (minutes)" and filter activities by field "Owner" that should have Id from the first "Read data" element that reads "Contacts" object. After that "Modified data" element should be added for the "Activity" object that should change the value of boolean field to "True". Then should go "Modify data" element that will modify data in contact section and will set value of the previous element to the specified field and that will change the value of the boolean field added at the beginning to "True" value and this element should be also interconnected via activity Id in the "How to filter records" block. After that you should make a cycle of this process and it should look like on the screenshot http://prntscr.com/kyx20n (conditional flow 2 should satisfy the condition that boolean field for "Contact" object is "False", conditional flow 4 should satisfy the condition that boolean field for "Activity" object is "False" so to read all activities and all contacts). Don't forget to filter activities by Start and End dates so to get all activities for the last 60 days.

Best regards,


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Hello, I was wondering if you could set up to make and receive calls in the bpm online development environment? At the moment the only thing we can see in the Call tab of the communication panel is "Phone server connection is unavailable. Please ensure that connection parameters are set up and that the server is online." 

I know that bpm online has integrated support with the Webital provider but could anyone tell if its possible to set this up in development environment and if so how? I've read the academy material but I'm somewhat confused.

Thanks in advance,


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Please follow the manual by the link below.


Please specify the steps of the manual that make difficulties if you face them.

Please note that if you need to use the out-of-the-box telephony on-site, you need to make the following extra steps:

1. Create a public URL for the application. It should be accessible from WWW.

2. Email the URL to support@bpmonline.com 

3. After registering the URL in bpm'online, new users will be able to make calls. 

4. If you need to populate the ability to make a call to existing users, please copy records for them in the "Webitel users" lookup.

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