Call Web Service Method from OData

Hello Community!

I have a custom web service created in a source code c#. How can call this method form a external c# application calling OData Services?




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Dear Federico,

The integration with the web services will be available out of the box in the 7.12 release, which will be available very shortly. The documentation is already present on the academy. You can read more about it in the academy article below:

Warm regards,


Matt Watts,

I have a implementation just like the documentation.…;

And want to call the method to get the result from a visual studio project in c#. 

The web service is implemented inside of bpm'online.

Exist a way to call the method from my visual studio project? 

Dear Federico,

The web service you have created is not a part of OData protocol, but a separate controller for the GET or POST methods. Therefore, you need to call it by the means of C# for GET or POST requests:

However, please pay attention, that you need to authorize initially, so to send authorization cookies along with your request. You can also check ServiceHelper schema for the way the URL should look.



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