Where, in wich lookup/system setting are stored the AutoNumber values for each entity wich is configured in Creatio 8.1?
Hi all
Somebody know where can I change or restart autonumbering, i need to define a process to eache year restart the numbers
I'm asking regarding the new Creatio feature to AutoNumber any entity (8.1)
Thanks in advance
Currently, no interface allows users to configure this manually, so the following steps need to be taken:
Identify the UId of the auto-numbered column.
For the identified column, use the script below to set a new starting number. In the examples provided, '4a40180c-61bf-de86-2f08-b05852a5ea6d' represents the UId of the auto-numbered column, and '1' is the next value from which the auto-numbering will proceed.
Script for MSSQL:
ALTER SEQUENCE [4a40180c-61bf-de86-2f08-b05852a5ea6d] RESTART WITH 1;
Script for PostgreSQL:
SELECT setval('4a40180c-61bf-de86-2f08-b05852a5ea6d', 1, false);
If you need further information or assistance, please reply to this message and we will be happy to help you.
Thanks, I need to reset them yearly in a process, how can automatically fit it?