What is the counterpart of CreateFilterGroup, CreateExistsFilter and Sub Filters in server side
Hi Community,
I need to convert below client code to server side code. I could not find samples of CreateExistsFilter with sub filters in server side code. Any Idea please?
var subFilters = Terrasoft.createFilterGroup(); subFilters.addItem(Terrasoft.createColumnFilterWithParameter(Terrasoft.ComparisonType.EQUAL, "Owner", "a6b4ea0c-420c-45ab-81e7-6e76c8cc15f7")); var existsFilter = Terrasoft.createExistsFilter("[Activity:Account].Id", subFilters) esq.filters.addItem(existsFilter);
The Terrasoft.Core.Entities.EntitySchemaQuery class is used to build queries for selecting records in Creatio database tables. As a result of creating and configuring the instance of this class, the SELECT SQL-expression query to the application database will be built. You can add the needed columns, filters, and restriction conditions to the query.
In the Creatio Academy documentation, you can find a description of the CreateExistsFilter method.
Useful links:
We also recommend that you review the example provided in this post on the Creatio Community:
Thank you.