Syntax of CreateExistsFilter with sub filters in server side code

Hi Community,


Any idea what is the syntax of CreateExistsFilter with sub filters in server side code. Thanks.

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Hello Fulgen,

Here is a post on CreateExistsFilter -


If you are asking on what code is executed when you use such filter - this has to be debbuged. 

If you are asking how to create a filter using CreateExistsFilter on server side - the answer is you cannot since 7.15. CreateExistsFilter was created for client side usage to replace Terrasoft.ComparisonType.Exists on server side.

Thank you Yevhenii

I checked the link but it is page not found.

Fulgen Ninofranco,




You need to remove the . at the end of the link (it's also being copied into the URL bar when clicking on it). But this link will lead to examples for the client-side ESQ.


As for the server side: for example see the AddProcessRightsFilterToHintQuery method from the CommandLineService in your application:

private void AddProcessRightsFilterToHintQuery() {
			EntitySchemaQueryFilter rightsFilter =
			rightsFilter.Name = "processesRights";
			EntitySchemaQuery rightsSubQuery = rightsFilter.RightExpressions[0].SubQuery;
			IEntitySchemaQueryFilterItem adminUnitFilter = rightsSubQuery.CreateFilterWithParameters(
				FilterComparisonType.Equal, "SysAdminUnit", UserConnection.CurrentUser.Id);
			adminUnitFilter.Name = "adminUnit";

Here the "exists" filter is created and also a sub-query inside it (which is rightsSubQuery) is used.

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