What constitutes to 'Custom' Sections on the Creatio Portal

Hi Creatio Community,

The documentation says we can add up to 3 custom sections on the Creatio Portal. Does this refer to only the new objects that I setup (as sections) from scratch or in other words objects that are not available as Out of the Box section, or does it refer to even from the Base set of Sections (For example: Product, Contracts & Invoices) that I might choose to add to the portal?

Additionally, if I create a custom object from scratch and define it as a detail (instead of creating it as a standalone section) within a portal section can I bypass this limitation of the portal license?

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Yes, this is what I was told by support, and also confirmed by attempting to add other base sections in the portal (they didn't show up at all). 

For customer portal, you can only expose the base sections: Applications (only applies to FinServ Creatio), Documents, KB, Cases, and 3 custom sections.

Yes, you can expose these as details on a section that is exposed in the portal. They just can't be "sections" - meaning cannot be on the nav workspace and have list page etc.


A custom section is a section you've made from scratch using the section wizard. Not an existing section that you've exposed as a section in the portal (such as Product, Contracts, Invoices, etc). Additionally, many ootb sections are not allowed to be exposed in the portal. See the table in this academy article, if it's not listed in the list of allowed sections it can't be exposed in the portal https://academy.creatio.com/docs/user/more_apps/portal/overview/portal_…

However, a lot of this changes with the switch to "external users" from "portal users" with the new composable pricing/model.


Ryan Farley,


This is very helpful Ryan, however in the link you pasted, I can only find one table (and not the list the possible sections?) and it says the Customer Portal only offers the following:


"Customer portal[ Portal cases ],

[ Portal knowledge base ],

[ Applications ] (for Financial Services Creatio, Customer Journey edition),

[ Documents ] (if available in the main Creatio application)"


Does this mean I cannot add the any more Base Sections to the Customer portal and additionally, if I these 'custom' objects were set up as sections, can I overcome the portal limitation by just listing them as details?



Yes, this is what I was told by support, and also confirmed by attempting to add other base sections in the portal (they didn't show up at all). 

For customer portal, you can only expose the base sections: Applications (only applies to FinServ Creatio), Documents, KB, Cases, and 3 custom sections.

Yes, you can expose these as details on a section that is exposed in the portal. They just can't be "sections" - meaning cannot be on the nav workspace and have list page etc.


This is what I thought as well. Thanks Ryan! 

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