Multiple Form pages for an object

Hey, everyone! 

I've got 2 teams working together on the same portal and each of them must see a different page for "Contacts". 
I'm courrently using the Freedom UI to create everything and, on papper, it seems to be working fine, but not on practice..

I've got a "contact" replacing object on another application and that one is done and working. I don't want to create lots and lots of business rules on that page to "work" for everyone, so, to make it work, I've created a new replacing object for contacts on another application and created a new freedomUI section for that (edited the form page and everything). The thing is: Whenever I open my "contact" section from the second application, it opens up the list and form page from my frist replacing object!


Anyone has already seen something like this and can help out how to configure propperly?

Already went to "Workplace setup" and checked that I'm using the "New" replacing object that I've created and checked that, on the object manager (EntitySchemaDesigner), the "Default page" has the page I want and on the Workplace Page setup (where I link the sections I want to appear) is propperly configured (when I click on the Contacts that is there and then "List setup" or "Page setup" it directs me to the page I want, not the old one).


Thanks for now! 

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We have a similar question, for working on two different case pages and sections based on the same object. Needed some development in Classic UI, unsure how to replicate in Freemdom UI.

Dear Gabriel,

You can add typed pages for roles "All employees" or "External users" and their respective types in the list settings:

Page setup


This can also be implemented with code.


The following articles might help you with this implementation:


Have a great day!

Whats about if I want to inherit from a previous Freedom page to get the base page configuration and add the specific to the new one, like in Classic UI?



To create a replacing Freedom UI page, you need first to enable feature "AllowCreateAngularSchema". After that, the "Angular replacing view model" item will appear in the Add button in WorkspaceExplorer.


Have a great day!

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