Hello community!
I need get in a bussines process a collection parameter and then use that in a script task into a foreach. Any example about that?
Dear Federico,
Please check the instructions on how to work with collections within [Read data element]. This will help you to implement your own process.
Algorithm of the work with a collection from Read data:
1.Disable the formula validator in business process designer. You can open the console and execute the following script for that:
var featureCode = "UseProcessFormulaServerValidation";
require(["FeatureServiceRequest"], function() {
var featureRequest = Ext.create("Terrasoft.FeatureServiceRequest", {code: featureCode});
forAllUsers: true,
state: Terrasoft.FeatureState.DISABLED // ENABLED
}, ()=>console.log("Done"));
2. In [Read data] element go to extended options and tick:
Read first = true
Number of records to read = 100 //Number of records available in a collection.
3. Create a process parameter with EntityCollection type and map it to the resulting collection of [Read data]. This parameter does not exist out of the box, but you can create it manually.
[#MyRead.Resulting collection#]
* MyRead – [Read data] element header.
* Resulting Collection - added manually
4. Assign a process parameter to a new variable in ScriptTask. Here is the example how to process the collection:
EntityCollection entities = Get("MyEntity");
var result = new Collection();
foreach(Entity entity in entities) {
var cityName = entity.GetTypedColumnValue("Id");
string temp = cityName.ToString();
string displayValue = result.ConcatIfNotEmpty(",");
Set("MyResult", displayValue);
return true;
MyRead – reading datat in any element.
MyEntity process parameter with EntityCollection type. Parameter value= [#MyRead.Resulting collection#]
MyResult - string parameter. You can store record IDs from the collection. Then this parameter is shown on the auto generated page for the testing purposes.
Best regards,
Lily Johnson,
I tried the above script task as below:
EntityCollection entities = Get("MyEntity");
var result = new Collection();
foreach(Entity entity in entities) {
var productName = entity.GetTypedColumnValue("Name");
string temp = productName.ToString();
string displayValue = result.ConcatIfNotEmpty(",");
Set("UsrLatestOrderProduct", displayValue);
return true;
But, here I'm getting below errors:
Lily Johnson,
Can you elaborate on how Auto-Generated Page works upon this case?
Many Thanks
Riddhi Jadeja,
As we can see from the screenshots you have provided - GetTypedColumnValue is used incorrectly.
GetTypedColumnValue("Name") is used without specified type of this field.
It should be GetTypedColumnValue<string>("Name")
Kind regards,
Sarthak Jain,
Can you please specify your question with more details?
How exactly Auto-Generated Page will be related to the discussed case?
Thank you in advance,