Update the DCM for the entire records created whenever a change/new stage is added to the DCM

Hi Team,


A new DCM is created/OOTB DCM is used in a stage and few records are created. Post that there is a change made in the life cycle and new stages are added and saved and made it actual version.


Records created post the new stages has been defined will have the new DCM stage shown but the old records will have the old DCM and option to “change case” available and on click of the “change case” the stage will show with the new DCM flow.


Question : instead of going to each and every old record to change the DCM to the new DCM created, is there an option to update all the old records DCM to the newly created DCM?



Thanks in advance!




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We have already registered it in the backlog of our R&D team to fix this logic in future releases.


Currently, you can only change the version of a case manually in each record separately.

+1 here, it would be great to update all or select opps in batch to switch to new dcm version.


Would like to ask if this is possible now?

Thank you

Kalymbet Anastasia,

Any update on this.

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