Unable to remove spaces in the text field

Dear Team,

I am attempting to allow only single space in Name Field. If the user enters more than one space(Tab Space) then after getting saved the string should have only one space and remaining spaces should be removed.

Can you please tell how can I do this.

Hoping for a positive reply.



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Dear Manikanta, 

You can do this with a business process. In this case you would need to read Contact with Read data element on Contact's creation or modification, set the parameter value to the Contact's Full name (http://prntscr.com/ooc0hy). After that you can read it in a script task, remove extra spaces and set the value to the different parameter or to the same parameter (http://prntscr.com/ooc0qa). And using modify data change the Full name to the modified parameter (http://prntscr.com/ooc0y0).

Best regards,


Dennis Hudson,


Dennis Hudson its working.

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