In 7.17, I only see a "Compile All" and no longer see any option to compile modified items only.
Was this removed from 7.17 or am I missing it somewhere?
I think when you click the regular green button it is the compile modified button, whereas when you click the drop-down it gives the option for compile all.
I think when you click the regular green button it is the compile modified button, whereas when you click the drop-down it gives the option for compile all.
Tyler Rainey,
Ah, that would make sense, hopefully that is the case.
Tyler Rainey,
You are right about that. Clicking the button does a post to
But clicking the Compile All off the drop-down does a post to
This doesn't exactly match up with the "compile modified items" from previous versions since it's a different endpoint (iirc the previous version did an postback).
However, knowing they do post to different actions is enough for me. Thanks again Tyler.
You are right. Clicking on Compile button perform the same action as former Compile Modified Items. Compile All items is separate action in the drop down.