Hello all,
I am trying to use the show on map function from the contact section page and add it to the actions on the contact record page.
I have added the function to the page schema and added it to the actions menu. However, when I load the page, the button works and displays the map but it doesn't display the caption string on the button.
Though oddly, when I reload the page, the string appears but the map then won't load.
What could be causing this?
Hello Kevin,
Caption is not displayed since once the edit page is reviewed in combined mode then localizable values are being received from the section schema. To resolve this problem you need to:
1) Add the same localizable value to the ContactSectionV2 schema as on the ContactPageV2 schema
2) Add this part of code to the contact page schema:
define("ContactPageV2",["ContactPageV2Resources", "MapsHelper", "MapsUtilities"],
function(resources, MapsHelper, MapsUtilities){
messages: {
"GetMapsConfig": {
mode: Terrasoft.MessageMode.PTP,
direction: Terrasoft.MessageDirectionType.SUBSCRIBE
getActions: function() {
var actionMenuItems = this.callParent(arguments);
"Tag": "showOnMap",
"Click": {"bindTo": "openShowOnMap"},
"Caption": {"bindTo": "Resources.Strings.ShowOnMapCaption"},
"Visible": true
return actionMenuItems;
showOnMap: function(schemaName, items, callback) {
var config = config || {};
items = items || this.getesqedItems();
var esq = this.Ext.create("Terrasoft.EntitySchemaQuery", {
rootSchemaName: "ContactAddress"
esq.addColumn(schemaName + ".Name");
esq.filters.addItem(this.Terrasoft.createColumnInFilterWithParameters(schemaName, items));
esq.getEntityCollection(function(result) {
var addresses = result.collection;
if (result.success && !addresses.isEmpty()) {
var mapsData = [];
var mapsConfig = {
mapsData: mapsData
addresses.each(function(item) {
var addressType = item.get("AddressType").displayValue;
var address = MapsHelper.getFullAddress.call(item);
var content = this.Ext.String.format("<h2>{0}</h2><div>{1}</div>", addressType, address);
var dataItem = {
caption: addressType,
content: content,
address: address,
gpsE: item.get(config.columnNameLongitude),
gpsN: item.get(config.columnNameLatitude)
}, this);
callback.call(this, mapsConfig);
} else {
}, this);
openShowOnMap: function() {
var items = [];
this.showOnMap.call(this, this.entitySchemaName, items, function(mapsConfig) {
scope: this,
mapsConfig: mapsConfig
3) Add the EmptyAddressDetailMessage localizable string to the ContactPageV2 schema
Best regards,
Dear Oscar,
I m trying to display the adresse on the map, but when i do the final step:
callback.call(this, mapsConfig);
i ve got the error:
message: Uncaught Error: Map container is already initialized.
Here's my code :
define("UsrNearestAccountsf7482dd9Page", ["MapsHelper", "MapsUtilities"], function(MapsHelper, MapsUtilities) { return { entitySchemaName: "UsrNearestAccounts", attributes: {}, messages: { "GetMapsConfig": { mode: Terrasoft.MessageMode.PTP, direction: Terrasoft.MessageDirectionType.SUBSCRIBE } }, modules: /**SCHEMA_MODULES*/{ "Indicator7c02186a-07da-467a-90ed-cf5286772816": { "moduleId": "Indicator7c02186a-07da-467a-90ed-cf5286772816", "moduleName": "CardWidgetModule", "config": { "parameters": { "viewModelConfig": { "widgetKey": "Indicator7c02186a-07da-467a-90ed-cf5286772816", "recordId": "cb62f87b-52b6-4482-8283-344ec2f94e1a", "primaryColumnValue": { "getValueMethod": "getPrimaryColumnValue" } } } } }, "Indicator32f96c54-6fbf-45be-b641-95268da60efc": { "moduleId": "Indicator32f96c54-6fbf-45be-b641-95268da60efc", "moduleName": "CardWidgetModule", "config": { "parameters": { "viewModelConfig": { "widgetKey": "Indicator32f96c54-6fbf-45be-b641-95268da60efc", "recordId": "cb62f87b-52b6-4482-8283-344ec2f94e1a", "primaryColumnValue": { "getValueMethod": "getPrimaryColumnValue" } } } } } }/**SCHEMA_MODULES*/, details: /**SCHEMA_DETAILS*/{}/**SCHEMA_DETAILS*/, businessRules: /**SCHEMA_BUSINESS_RULES*/{}/**SCHEMA_BUSINESS_RULES*/, methods: { getActions: function() { var actionMenuItems = this.callParent(arguments); actionMenuItems.addItem(this.getButtonMenuItem({ "Tag": "showOnMap", "Click": {"bindTo": "openShowOnMap"}, "Caption": "openShowOnMap", "Visible": true })); return actionMenuItems; }, openShowOnMap: function() { var items = []; items.push(this.get("NearAccount")); this.showOnMap.call(this, "Account", items, function(mapsConfig) { MapsUtilities.open({ scope: this, mapsConfig: mapsConfig }); }); }, showOnMap: function(schemaName, items, callback) { var config = config || {}; items = items || this.getesqedItems(); var esq = this.Ext.create("Terrasoft.EntitySchemaQuery", { rootSchemaName: "AccountAddress" }); esq.addColumn("AddressType"); esq.addColumn("Address"); esq.addColumn("City"); esq.addColumn("Region"); esq.addColumn("Country"); esq.addColumn("GPSE"); esq.addColumn("GPSN"); esq.filters.addItem(this.Terrasoft.createColumnInFilterWithParameters(schemaName, items)); esq.getEntityCollection(function(result) { var addresses = result.collection; if (result.success && !addresses.isEmpty()) { var mapsData = []; var mapsConfig = { mapsData: mapsData }; addresses.each(function(item) { this.console.log('item: '+this.print_r(item)); var addressType = item.get("AddressType").displayValue; var gpsE = item.get("GPSE"); var gpsN = item.get("GPSN"); var address = MapsHelper.getFullAddress.call(item); var content = this.Ext.String.format("<h2>{0}</h2><div>{1}</div>", addressType, address); var dataItem = { caption: addressType, content: content, address: address, gpsE: gpsE, gpsN: gpsN }; this.console.log('dataItem:'+this.print_r(dataItem)); mapsData.push(dataItem); }, this); this.console.log('mapsConfig:'+this.print_r(mapsConfig)); callback.call(this, mapsConfig); } else { this.showInformationDialog("EmptyAddressDetailMessage"); } }, this); }, print_r: function(obj) { //debug let cache = []; let str = JSON.stringify(obj, function(key, value) { if (typeof value === "object" && value !== null) { if (cache.indexOf(value) !== -1) { // Référence circulaire trouvée return; } // enregistrement de la valeur dans la collection cache.push(value); } return value; }); cache = null; // reset return str; } }, dataModels: /**SCHEMA_DATA_MODELS*/{}/**SCHEMA_DATA_MODELS*/, diff: /**SCHEMA_DIFF*/[ { "operation": "insert", "name": "NearAccountaf54e816-a480-49e1-b827-362d9259418c", "values": { "layout": { "colSpan": 12, "rowSpan": 1, "column": 0, "row": 0, "layoutName": "Header" }, "bindTo": "NearAccount" }, "parentName": "Header", "propertyName": "items", "index": 0 }, { "operation": "insert", "name": "NearAddress0e195398-6b7e-4bed-81c7-4250803f37dd", "values": { "layout": { "colSpan": 12, "rowSpan": 1, "column": 0, "row": 1, "layoutName": "Header" }, "bindTo": "NearAddress" }, "parentName": "Header", "propertyName": "items", "index": 1 }, { "operation": "insert", "name": "Distanced9f7c441-62cf-4789-bad3-d9452054b13f", "values": { "layout": { "colSpan": 12, "rowSpan": 1, "column": 0, "row": 2, "layoutName": "Header" }, "bindTo": "Distance" }, "parentName": "Header", "propertyName": "items", "index": 2 }, { "operation": "merge", "name": "ChangesHistoryTab", "values": { "order": 0 } }, { "operation": "merge", "name": "MapTab", "values": { "order": 1 } }, { "operation": "merge", "name": "ESNTab", "values": { "order": 2 } } ]/**SCHEMA_DIFF*/ }; });
Here is the screenshot:
I retrieve the address and coordinates correctly but I cannot display the marker on the map
Do you have an idea why i ve got this error ?
Thank you,
LÉZORAY Nicolas,
I change BaseModulePageWithMap to BaseModulePageV2 on my object page nad now it works !
thank you !