'Save printable' process element and "Send email with attachments" from Marketplace
00:29 Mar 09, 2021
Hello colleagues,
I need to generate a FastReport Template, attach to accounts files and after this send it using, also from Marketplace "Send email with attachments"
How can I orchestrate the process to could send this email with the report attached?
Some suggestions
11:48 Mar 10, 2021
Hello Julio,
Please check this Marketplace add-on. I believe it can cover your business need.
Best regards,
Bogdan S.
14:53 Mar 10, 2021
Thanks @Bodgan,
It doesn't help, because just work with MS Word reports, they have not considered to include FastReport on their implementation
Because of this I need to understand how to configure both applications mentioned above to solve the problem I need to implement
Best regards
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