Hello Community,
I have developed a logic that when number of records in a detail is greater than 3 the plus sign dissappears
However my problem is that I have to refresh the whole page in order for the plus sign to dissappear. I have tried
this.reloadEntity() or this.UpdateDetail() method but without success.
Any idea how to overcome this problem
Best regards
In the detail schema do the following:
1) Add attribute
attributes: { "IsAddVisible": { dataValueType: Terrasoft.DataValueType.BOOLEAN } }
2) Add attribute to visible property of add button, add the following to the diff of the detail schema:
diff: [ { "operation": "merge", "name": "AddRecordButton", "values": { "visible": {"bindTo": "IsAddVisible"} } } ]
3) Add the following to methods:
methods: { onGridDataLoaded: function() { this.callParent(arguments); this.setAddVisible(); }, subscribeGridEvents: function() { this.callParent(arguments); this.setAddVisible(); }, setAddVisible: function() { var items = this.getGridData().getItems(); this.set("IsAddVisible", items.length < 3); } }
End result, the add button should only be visible when the detail has less than 3 items.
In the detail schema do the following:
1) Add attribute
attributes: { "IsAddVisible": { dataValueType: Terrasoft.DataValueType.BOOLEAN } }
2) Add attribute to visible property of add button, add the following to the diff of the detail schema:
diff: [ { "operation": "merge", "name": "AddRecordButton", "values": { "visible": {"bindTo": "IsAddVisible"} } } ]
3) Add the following to methods:
methods: { onGridDataLoaded: function() { this.callParent(arguments); this.setAddVisible(); }, subscribeGridEvents: function() { this.callParent(arguments); this.setAddVisible(); }, setAddVisible: function() { var items = this.getGridData().getItems(); this.set("IsAddVisible", items.length < 3); } }
End result, the add button should only be visible when the detail has less than 3 items.
Thanks a lot Ryan. I was using ESQ before, but this is definitely faster and better.