Quick view approve request
06:22 Jul 27, 2020
Hi all,
I setting view record mode.
But when manager receive request approval, he can not quick view the request record
How can I setting quick view for request approval as view record mode?
Thanks all,
Phuong Nguyen
Best reply
14:15 Jul 27, 2020
Dear Phuong Nguyen,
To do that you would need to create a replacing schema for VisaNotificationsSchema and insert the following code:
define("VisaNotificationsSchema", [], function() { return { methods:{ getTag: function(){ var schemaName = this.get("SchemaName"); //var entityId = this.get("SubjectId"); return { "columnName": "SubjectId", "referenceSchemaName": schemaName }; }, customLinkMouseOver:function(options){ //target = arguments.target; var tag = this.getTag(); this.linkMouseOver(options, tag); } }, diff: [ { "operation": "merge", "name": "NotificationSubjectCaption", "parentName": "NotificationItemMiddleContainer", "propertyName": "items", "values": { "itemType": Terrasoft.ViewItemType.HYPERLINK, "caption": {"bindTo": "getNotificationSubjectCaption"}, "click": {"bindTo": "onNotificationSubjectClick"}, "linkMouseOver": {"bindTo": "customLinkMouseOver"}, "tag": { "columnName": "SubjectId", "referenceSchemaName": "Invoice" }, "classes": { "labelClass": [ "subject-text-labelClass", "label-link", "label-url", "visa-notification-item-middle" ] }, "canExecute": {"bindTo": "canBeDestroyed"} } } ] }; });
Best regards,
14:15 Jul 27, 2020
Dear Phuong Nguyen,
To do that you would need to create a replacing schema for VisaNotificationsSchema and insert the following code:
define("VisaNotificationsSchema", [], function() { return { methods:{ getTag: function(){ var schemaName = this.get("SchemaName"); //var entityId = this.get("SubjectId"); return { "columnName": "SubjectId", "referenceSchemaName": schemaName }; }, customLinkMouseOver:function(options){ //target = arguments.target; var tag = this.getTag(); this.linkMouseOver(options, tag); } }, diff: [ { "operation": "merge", "name": "NotificationSubjectCaption", "parentName": "NotificationItemMiddleContainer", "propertyName": "items", "values": { "itemType": Terrasoft.ViewItemType.HYPERLINK, "caption": {"bindTo": "getNotificationSubjectCaption"}, "click": {"bindTo": "onNotificationSubjectClick"}, "linkMouseOver": {"bindTo": "customLinkMouseOver"}, "tag": { "columnName": "SubjectId", "referenceSchemaName": "Invoice" }, "classes": { "labelClass": [ "subject-text-labelClass", "label-link", "label-url", "visa-notification-item-middle" ] }, "canExecute": {"bindTo": "canBeDestroyed"} } } ] }; });
Best regards,
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