Problem to insert code add lead on external page

Hi! Hi have a problem, when I insert a code on external page dont works code, I had tryed to change jQuery give me by bpmonline, because this dont worked and I had tryed with one external, dont give me exceptions but code dont works, someone know why?



        $(document).ready(function() {

        // alert("jQuery esta funcionando !!");







* Replace the "css-selector" placeholders in the code below with the element selectors on your landing page. 

* You can use #id or any other CSS selector that will define the input field explicitly. 

* Example: "Email": "#MyEmailField". 

* If you don't have a field from the list below placed on your landing, leave the placeholder or remove the line. 


var config = { 

    fields: { 

        "Name": "#name", // Name of a visitor, submitting the page 

        "Email": "#email", // Visitor's email 

        "MobilePhone": "#telefono", // Visitor's phone number  


    landingId: "e820083d-8465-4205-9069-e38515795f70", 

    serviceUrl: "…", 

    redirectUrl: "" 



* The function below creates a object from the submitted data. 

* Bind this function call to the "onSubmit" event of the form or any other elements events. 

* Example:  


function createObject() {




* The function below inits landing page using URL parameters.


function initLanding() {





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Try to catch the request with Fiddler

Check the body of the request and the response. 

This is not the request that the "create-object-debug.js" class sends to bpm'online. Please investigate the code in the class and catch the request that it sends to bpm'online after submitting the form.

show me this on request {"SaveWebFormObjectDataResult":"{resultMessage:\"URL de solicitud no autorizado.\",resultCode:-1}"} 

Json of request is:


The [Website domains] was specified incorrectly.

I can't tell the correct option because you didn't send the full request. There is only the JSON part. Please find the correct URL in the request on our own.

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