
Private key for integrations


What is the best way to store private keys on BPM'Online? Is it through system settings? I am trying to setup an integration for which I need a client_id and private key to be saved on the site. I have created a system setting of type "unlimited text" for the private key. But, the decryption algorithm isn't able to process the key. I am always returned the error "END RSA PRIVATE KEY not found". I am using a 3rd party library called bouncycastle that I have imported as an external assembly to work with private keys. Any suggestions on how to work with provate keys on BPM'Online, from a best practices perspective.

Any help in this regard would be much appreciated. Thanks in advance...

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Hello Amanthena,

Usually, for storing information like passwords or private keys, the system settings with "encrypted string" type is used. Please note, that system settings with the "Secured text" type are not being transmitted to the client (browser). This process is controlled by the "UseSecureSettingsOnClient" flag in the Web.config configuration file of the bpm'online application. Their values can still be set from the client (browser).

Best regards,


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