Prevent addition of lookup values during excel import



We have a case where we import bulk data into many sections. Is there a way to prevent records from being imported if a given lookup is not present in the master lookup table?


Example : Salutation (Title) has the following values : Mr. Dr. Ms Mrs. 

During excel import, if column has Miss, we don't want that record to be added. Can we restrict this through object permissions or any other way?


I understand as per the documentation (pasted below), new values will be added. Is there a work around to prevent this, given that the data import is quiet big?


  • Be aware that lookup values not found in Creatio will be created automatically. When checking the values, the opening and closing spaces and letter case are not taken into account, while special characters are important. For example, if the imported file has the "customer" value and the [ Contact types ] lookup contains the "Customer" value, new values will not be added to the lookup and the record will be linked to the existing lookup value. However, if the “Client” contact type is specified in the import file, a new “Client” value will be added to the [ Contact types ] lookup. To avoid duplicates in the Creatio lookups, check the lookup values in the imported file.




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Hello Shivani,


Unfortunately, are no such basic tools for imported records.


1) You can create a business process that will modify\remove data that was created on the exact date (since after data import is finished all imported records receive a similar "Created On" value). You can use this value when finding needed records.


2) Records that are imported are tagged using the "Data import" tag and you can use this tag when building a process to find imported records. With the required condition.


You can use one of those ways to find imported records and after that apply changes to those records using the business process that is needed for your business task.


Best regards,


This really needs to be an option in the data import, and lookup value automatic creation should be off by default, potentially with the option to blank the lookup if no match found or fail the import (which I think should also be the default). It's quite a dangerous thing to have an OOTB import feature that defaults to creating potentially bad data in the system.

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