Objects are created in Custom package

Hi Team,


From the day I have started development on one of the trial instance I have set "Current package" system setting to my package, but I see after some time objects started reflecting in custom package.


I want ask :


1. Is there any other system setting (other than "Current Package" ) which is required to change ?

2. Is this the reason that If there are more than one users (system admin) involved in development.


Please tell me what could be the possible reason ? And does it create any major issue during data binding?



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Hello Akshit, 

We are not able no to say, why the current package value has changed. 

Before starting the development we recommend you to check:

1. 'Current package' System setting value

2.  Check whether the package is unlocked (you are able to change the object configuration for example) 

We strongly recommend using the development website only for one user to avoid such issues. 


Best regards,




Thank you for you response, related to point number 2, I want to ask 

that whenever we create our custom package (VirtuosRefac_version_1) then by default it is marked as locked (please see the below image) then how to unclock it?



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