Object property Usage Mode

Is there anywhere that describes the differences with the usage modes for an object property? I am trying to understand what the differences are between General, Advanced, and None, but I cannot seem to find anything that outlines what these mean in the dev guide or sdk docs.


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Dear Ryan, 

Unfortunately, there is no documentation on that.

None mode is used if you want to prevent users from using the column throughout the system (filters, pages, wizards, etc.). Advanced mode is used for some system columns (e.g. Id column), General is used for all columns for all other columns.  

Best regards, 


Dennis Hudson,

Thanks for the reply. That is what I understood of that setting as well. I suppose that is good enough. Thanks

Dennis Hudson,

Hi Dennis. Would be great if you can clarify on below - 

Are there any use cases where we might want to set a custom column to 'Advanced' usage mode? What does 'Advanced' usage mode do??



There is basically no difference between advanced or general.  Advanced makes column as System Column. This is only used in old UI of advanced settings were it was possible to hide\display such columns in the object column list. Such columns were not visible in the object when opting it. There was an option 'display system columns' that would display you all columns with advance mode usage. In new UI all columns are visible already so this feature is actual for old configurations UI.



Hi, how can I made the Name column of a detail (in Freedom) not clickable? No one of the mentioned properties work for me.

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