Mobile emulator in linux or mac

Hello Community. Somebody know if there is a way to run the mobile debugger emulator in mac or linux?

I tried to change the patch and URL but something is missing.


@echo off
SET CHROMEPATH=C:\ChromePortable\GoogleChromePortable.exe
  SET /p CHROMEPATH="Enter path to chrome.exe (ver. 79.x or earlier): "
SET PAGEPATH=..\web\MobileMainPage.html
copy NUL "..\web\cordova.js" /Y
start %CHROMEPATH% --disable-features=IsolateOrigins,site-per-process --allow-file-access-from-files --disable-web-security --disable-popup-blocking --enable-device-mode "file:///%~dp0%PAGEPATH%?platform=webkit&usecookie=true"


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So far Im getting this error

I managed to solve the issue but is ask me to allow store in the system, and after allowed I got an error.

Solved. The issue was in the version of chrome (Needs to be 7.9 or below) After that just create a script to run chrome. A example of the script if in case somebody wants to use it.

export PAGEPATH="\home\federico\Documents\7.18.0\web\MobileMainPage.html"
google-chrome --disable-features=IsolateOrigins,site-per-process --allow-file-access-from-files --disable-web-security --disable-popup-blocking --user-data-dir="/home/federico/ChromeUserData" --enable-device-mode  "file:///$PAGEPATH?platform=webkit&usecookie=true"


Federico Buffa ...,

Thanks for sharing this. I'll give it a try as well ??


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