We need to delete a user id and migrate all objects originally connected to it (as its ownerId) to another employee user id.
Is it possible ?
Just like an idea (in PostgreSQL) how we changed one text value to another text value in all objects. Maybe you can find the way how to use this for replacing one Id to another
DO $$ DECLARE rw record; BEGIN FOR rw IN SELECT 'UPDATE "'||C.table_name||'" SET "'||C.column_name||'" = REPLACE ("'||C.COLUMN_NAME||'",''OldTextHere'',''NewTextHere''); ' QRY FROM (SELECT column_name,table_name FROM information_schema.columns WHERE table_schema='public' AND (data_type ='text' OR data_type ='character varying') AND table_name in (SELECT table_name FROM information_schema.tables WHERE table_schema='public' AND table_type ='BASE TABLE'))c LOOP EXECUTE rw.QRY; END LOOP; END; $$;
What if you just tried merging the two user contacts together? That would essentially reassign the owner value to the contact you retained. You might have some cleanup on the merged contact when done, but should work for all the reassignments
Ryan Farley,
I could merge the two contacts.
Now I have two users connected to the same contact.
But cannot delete the user. There are still some objects connected to it... any clue ?