issue compile in local creatio

I have a problem when compiling locally like this  

and I have also tried adding IIS_IUSRS in Terasoft.WebApp, but when I apply it an error like this occurs


Here I have searched for a way on Google, it said I need to change the owner in security, previously I used root, now I use administrator





when I try to compile again, the results are still the same


can you help me with my issue?

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Basically this issue when the required components are not installed on the application server.

Please make sure you have installed all the components from the article:


I need to mention that you need to install all from tables not only those mentioned on screenshots. If this would not help I will recommend you to uninstall all SDKs and reinstall them again.

Kyrylo Atamanenko,

Thanks for your response, I should have downloaded all the recommended components except "Download .NET 6 Hosting bundle", is this necessary?

Hi M Reza Gevan Lolyvich, if your question is still active, you have two different issues.
1 - compilation error with just two error messages and no details. Solution: look into your Build.log file (find it in  your C:\Windows\Temp\Creatio\....\0\... folder), find out correct reason of the issue. Most likely you will see that application is unable to save into c:\windows\system32\inetsrv\NuGet\Migrations path and solution is to create this folder.

2 - compilation error with failure to save some .cs or .csproj files. This usually can be fixed by stopping your application pool, then applying "Modify" permission to IIS_IUSRS role for .\Terrasoft.WebApp folder, then start your application pool.

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