Interpret working section filter as ESQ
07:51 Jul 13, 2023
Hi Community,
I need to apply the same filter for my Account Lookup. How can I interpret below in esq? Thank you.
14:25 Jul 19, 2023
Hello Fulgen,
Please use an example below:
leftExpression = Ext.create("Terrasoft.AggregationQueryExpression", { columnPath: '[Case:Account].Id', aggregationType: Terrasoft.AggregationType.COUNT, }); rightExpression = Ext.create("Terrasoft.ParameterExpression", { parameterDataType: Terrasoft.DataValueType.INTEGER, parameterValue: 1 }); filter = Terrasoft.createCompareFilter(Terrasoft.ComparisonType.GREATER, leftExpression, rightExpression); esq = this.Ext.create("Terrasoft.EntitySchemaQuery", { rootSchemaName: "Account" }); esq.addColumn("Name"); esq.filters.add("customFilter", filter); esq.getEntityCollection(function(result) { debugger; console.log(result); });
But replace [Case:Account].Id with the column path from the filter and parameterValue in rightExpression from 1 to the needed value (the value that is used for comparison (>0)). And also add needed columns to the ESQ. Tested locally, returns the same result as the filter.
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