Hello community,
I got an error while installed package from DEV to PRE environment. The error in the log showed as below. Please advise what was wrong and what should I do?
Thank you in advance!
2023-02-13 10:24:54,107 Lookup values "SysModuleEdit_SysModuleEditManager_3060a5b7123046008292d2ff391eca00" from package "Dynasafe1" installed 2023-02-13 10:24:54,170 Error occurred while installing data "SysModuleEdit_SysModuleEditManager_2e6d095fc4d0489e85718fd9726cd018" in package "Dynasafe1". UId c3395037-7ea2-4919-a3bf-75881b2dd66f: 23503: insert or update on table "SysModuleEdit" violates foreign key constraint "FKfswQzuMwAT8Bnlby6UilfQqmU" UPDATE "public"."SysModuleEdit" SET "ModifiedOn" = TO_TIMESTAMP('2023-02-13 10:24:54.154', 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS.FF3'), "ModifiedById" = '{410006E1-CA4E-4502-A9EC-E54D922D2C00}', "SysModuleEntityId" = '{45417B49-B9B2-4255-893D-F1FB10103294}' WHERE "Id" = '{2E6D095F-C4D0-489E-8571-8FD9726CD018}' 2023-02-13 10:24:54,201 Terrasoft.Common.DbOperationException: 23503: insert or update on table "SysModuleEdit" violates foreign key constraint "FKfswQzuMwAT8Bnlby6UilfQqmU" ---> Npgsql.PostgresException: 23503: insert or update on table "SysModuleEdit" violates foreign key constraint "FKfswQzuMwAT8Bnlby6UilfQqmU" at Npgsql.NpgsqlConnector.<DoReadMessage>d__157.MoveNext()
12:50 Feb 22, 2023
The package installation issue is caused by the fact that the elements "SysModuleEdit_SysModuleEditManager_2e6d095fc4d0489e85718fd9726cd018" from the Dynasafe1 package have bindings to non-existent data.
The "SysModuleEdit_SysModuleEditManager_2e6d095fc4d0489e85718fd9726cd018" element contains the binding ID 45417B49-B9B2-4255-893D-F1FB10103294 of the SysModuleEntity object (SysModuleEntityId column), but the SysModuleEntity table does not contain this ID.
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