I am getting error while trying to login to BPM Online on-site  (set up using Microsoft SQL Server and Oracle SQL Server). I ve done the set up seperately with different websites. Screenshots attached. Kindly advise me on how to overcome this problem.

I am getting the following error while trying to login to BPM Online on-site  (set up using Microsoft SQL Server) and I am getting the same error while trying to login to BPM Online on-site  (set up using Oracle SQL Server). I ve done the set up seperately with different websites in IIS. Screenshots attached. Kindly advise me on how to overcome this problem.

Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (Not Found)

Error while sending request      response status: 404 (Not Found)     request url: http://localhost:82/ServiceModel/AuthService.svc/Login     method: undefined     request data: {"UserName":"Supervisor","UserPassword":"*******","TimeZoneOffset":-330}

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The most obvious reason of this issue is in fact that not all needed Microsoft Components were activated for the device where IIS is deployed. Please double-check all needed components once again on the machine where IIS is deployed (the full list of needed components can be found here).

Also please get sure that you have Microsoft .NetFramework of 4.7.2 version installed on the machine where IIS is deployed.

Best regards,


Oscar Dylan,

Thanks. WCF and HTTP components were not enabled!






The BPMonline setup process can be divided into the following general steps: 1. Deploying the MS SQL Server 2008 on the database server computer. 2. Deploying a Redis database on the user session storage server. 3. Installing the BPMonline application on the application server computer. 4. Restoring the database from the backup on the database server computer. This step is necessary only if the database server is not deployed on the same computer as the application server  



Lavanya Sreepada 



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