How to trigger a business process directly from database?

There are cases when a record is inserted directly from db and the bp doesn't trigger on object signal(Record Added/Modified), how do I proceed in these cases?

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A direct database insert/update won't trigger a signal needed for a process to start. Only option I can think of is to flag the record in some way and have a process running on a timer looking for the flagged records.



As Ryan indicated,

Unfortunately, it’s not possible through the database.


Thank you both Ryan and Orkhan for your answers

In my case is there any workaround I can use, besides what Ryan mentioned above?



if you have control over the insert/update process, you could set up a stored procedure in the DB and call it after the insert/update operation. The stored procedure could call the ProcessEngineService.svc via web request.


Here is an example with SQL server: How To Call A Web Service From SQL Server (

This is the documentation of the ProcessEngineService.svc: Service that runs business processes | Creatio Academy


I read it is possible for Postgre, too, but I don't have any experience with it.

Also, if you have a cloud instance of Creatio you might be lacking the permissions to install components to make this work...




Thanks Robert

I will give it a try.

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