How to make DCM read-only ?

Hello Team,


I would like to make DCM (Cases) read only on copy of Opportunity Edit Page.


I know that when Stage is read only DCM based on this field remain enable for changing.

I know as well that i can create new DCM and toggle it based on eg. Type field but maybe is there a easiest way to achieve this.



Marcin Kott



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Hello, Marcin!


Each DCM stage settings has option 'Restrict this stage to specific users or roles'. You can specify the required user roles who will not be able to move the stages using it. 





Hello Dean,


Thank You for answer but in my case restriction doesn't depend on user or role but on type of Opportunity (eg. this type Opportunity should be updated by parent Opportunity  modification only) so i think the easest way will be to create next DCM Case and for this type of Opportunity i will only remove all next and previous steps for each stages.




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