How to make a custom attachement object similar to the section attachment object


Import Census is a section attachement object( which is system generated ) so we have a attachment link there but I have created one custom attachement object (Import Claims) and linked it with section but we need to have the same attachment icon to be present with the custom object as it is in Import Census object so that users can attach the files.


Please help me to achieve this.

Many Thanks!

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Hi Akshit,

Since you have already added Detail in Section. To add Custom style in the Detail, Please follow the below article. (Point #5)


In addition to this, Please ensure that Parent object of both detail schemas ( detail's view model & detail's record page ) should be FileDetailV2 .



Functionality is working fine but the only issue is this "Drag File Here" is not showing as it is showing in section's attachment detail  (please see the below screenshot)


Note : Attach Censur  : Section's detail

           Attach Claims : Custom Attachment Detail



Please help.


Many Thanks.


Please help.



Hi Akshit,


Unfortunately, there can only be one drag'n'drop area on the edit page, so on one tab it will work, but on the second it does not.

We have passed this basic functionality flaw to the developer's department for product improvement. They will backlog such system behavior and will work on functionality improvement. 



As for now, this can be fixed by adding the follwing code to the edit page schema of the page where these details are added:

getDetailInfo: function() {

  var detailInfo = this.callParent(arguments);

  detailInfo.detailElementsPrefix = Terrasoft.generateGUID();

  return detailInfo;



Kind regards,


Anastasiia Lazurenko,


Thank you for your reply.


I have used your code but nothing reflected it is still the same. 

Anastasiia Lazurenko,


Please suggest something so that I can remove "Drag File Here".


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