How to get all records in a dynamic folder?

I need to create a process that can do some work against all records in a particular dynamic folder. How can I determine the records that meet the filter conditions of the folder (using a read data task, via ESQ/Select in a code task, or any other method)? 

Thank you.

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Hi Ryan,

You can see how it is done in bpm'online marketing - adding bulk mail audience.

Vladimir Sokolov,

That's a good idea. I will take a look there.


Hi Ryan, 


I just came across the same question: "how to get a list of records from a particular dynamics folder. "

Did you find an answer? 

Could you share some tips? 




Tiago Carvalho,


Yes, I found what was needed to do this. Take a look in the CommonUtilities source code schema at the GetFolderEsqFilters method. You can use that method to get the ESQ for the folder. A sample bit of code using the function can be found in the CreateEntityDataSelect method in the FolderConverter source code schema.


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