How can I add another status in approvals in addition to 'approve' and 'reject'?
I am trying to add new button (Revert) with new functionality . How can I add a new button in Actiondashboard, communicationpanel for approvals?
How can I implement the same in Mobile Application?
Please help and thanks in advance.
Dear Nagaraju,
To do this in the web application you would need to create a replacing schema for VisaNotificationsSchema and override the method _initVisaActionButtonMenu adding your custom button, similarly to how it is done in OOB VisaNotificationsSchema in _initVisaActionButtonMenu .
To do it in the mobile you would need to:
1) On the page with visa detail (e.g. MobileInvoiceRecordPageSettingsDefaultWorkplace), override this page and in the visa detail change the generator property:
"generator": { "xclass": "Terrasoft.configuration.MyVisaEmbeddedDetailGenerator" },
2) Create a schema MyVisaEmbeddedDetailGenerator, add it in the manifest of the application and create your custom class Terrasoft.configuration.MyVisaEmbeddedDetailGenerator similarly to VisaEmbeddedDetailGenerator (in MobileVisaEmbeddedDetailGenerator schema)
3) In the same class change method
generateItem: function() { var config = this.callParent(arguments); config.xtype = "cfmyvisaedetailitem"; config.parentModelName = this.getCardGenerator().getModelName(); return config; },
and create a custom item class (similarly to how this is done inMobileVisaEmbeddedDetailItem) :
Ext.define("Terrasoft.configuration.controls.MyVisaEmbeddedDetailItem",{ extend: "Terrasoft.configuration.controls.VisaEmbeddedDetailItem", xtype: "cfmyvisaedetailitem",
In this class change method updateRecord.
4) compile application.
Best regards,