Is there a way to apply css which should apply everywhere?
For example: css for create forms
Any help will be highly appreciable
You can create a replacing module for BootstrapModulesV2 and add the CSS there and it will be applied to everywhere in the client.
Ryan Farley,
Hi Ryan,
Thanks I will check this, If you have example code please share.
In order to apply css globally please follow the instruction below:
1. Create a new module, go to tab "LESS" and write your style there. "Source Code" tab should be empty: https://prnt.sc/qfli0i
2. Create a replacing client module for BootstrapModulesV2 and add newly created module with style to the dependencies - https://prnt.sc/qfliuc:
After that css will be applied to all pages in the system. In my example button container will be with rose background.
Alina Kazmirchuk,
Thanks for suggestion, please check second last and last links are same
Alina Kazmirchuk,
I need to check if current user is portal user than only apply the CSS, for this purpose I used below code which is working perfect on PageV2 for example "AccountPageV2" but the problem is that, CSS only applying on Account Section.
Below code is not working on "BootstrapModulesV2" console log is also not showing output.
Any help will be highly appreciable.
define("BootstrapModulesV2", ["css!UsrCustomCSS"], function() { return { methods: { init: function() { this.callParent(arguments); this.initializeCustomCSS(); }, initializeCustomCSS: function() { var CurrentUser = this.Terrasoft.isCurrentUserSsp(); if(CurrentUser === true){ this.console.log("Current User is portal user"); Terrasoft.utils.dom.setAttributeToBody("CustomUIPortalUser", true); } else { this.console.log("Current User is not portal user"); Terrasoft.utils.dom.setAttributeToBody("CustomUIPortalUser", false); } } } }; });