Get logged in user id in client script

Hi all,

          How can I get logged in user id in client script?


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Hello Toan, 


Thank you for your question!

Could you please clarify what exactly do you mean by "logged in user id" and describe your business task in detail?


Thank you in advance!


Hello Toan,

To get the logged-in user's Id in client page,

var userId = Terrasoft.SysValue.CURRENT_USER_CONTACT.value;


This gives you the Id value of the logged-in user.

I think this is what you are asking for.


Adharsh S


Thank you very much

Olga Avis,

Sometime, I want to use the logged user id as a param in my own service. For example, compare the selected user (in a edit page) with the logged user.

Toan Mai,


Thank you for the clarification! As we can see, the answer has been provided by Adharsh. Please, let us know in case any additional information is required. 


Best regards, 


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