Formula validation in buisiness-process

I have an error, when i save the formula, the validator won't let me save the changes. An error is written: "Formula value error: Parameter "NumberStyles" not found". I have added the necessary System.Globalization using for compilation.

How can I solve the validation problem without changing the business process code?


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The problem has solved by disabling 'UseProcessFormulaServerValidation' feature


Could you please provide us with connected namespace details to the process?

Alona Dolya,

 Hi! I'm using two namespaces System.Globalization and Terrasoft.Configuration.Disbursement, which has only three public classes and doesn't include name "NumberStyles".

I have observed the same problem on Demo site. System.Globalization had been added into namespaces of the process

The problem has solved by disabling 'UseProcessFormulaServerValidation' feature

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