Formula Field in Business Process

Hi, I have a formula field in my Customer Orders page which is created in Freedom UI. There is Gross value field, that is a multiplication of 2 different other fields. I have tried two different approaches. One with having a Formula in my Business Process but it is giving "Formula value error: Cannot convert type "Decimal" to "Entity" " Error.


Additionally, I tried to use Modify Data too, to do the same and it doesn't gives any error but it also doesn't works. It doesn't give the value from formula. How can I make this work?

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The error 'Cannot convert type "Decimal" to "Entity" indicates that you are trying to save the value to the field of entity type. 

It can occur in case you are using the wrong type of parameter.

To make your process work, you need to create a parameter of decimal type to use in the formula. Here you can check the example for Hours values. You can create a formula by comparison.

Please check how the formulae work in our academy and how to work with the parameters:…

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