Exporting records peridically

We would like to export records from all our tables periodically into CSV format. Is there a way to do it using BPM online. I saw there was a way to export the list to excel from UI that only exports the columns that are displayed etc. 




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This Excel reports package in the marketplace can likely do what you're after. 



Dear Dilip,

You can use the marketplace application, which was offered by Ryan. On the other hand, you can create a business process for your needs. 

However, please take into account, that business process approach will require development skills.

Reports in the system are created via ReportService. In the Script Task element of your business process please call the ReportService method to create a report and pass it the needed arguments like section, user connection. More information on the existing methods and their realization you can find in the ReportService schema in Configuration.

The business process itself you can start by timer, or trigger externally.



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