Error in compiling Assembly Package



I was trying to create Assemble Package and created one c# file which has dependencies on NewtonsoftJSON dll. When I tried to publish it says it required dll (attached reference). If we import the DLL into the current package it is working as expected but as per my understanding, we need to add the Assembly package dependencies on [Package name].csproj file.


I could see below code already presents there,









which means should we need to create any folder with Assemblies or we manually need to import all the package dependencies through import?



Altaf Hussian M


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Hi Altaf Hussian,

If it’s a regular package you can use the Newtonsoft.Json core library, but for the assembly package, the required DLL must be added to the package explicitly.

The Assembly package is like an external cs project.

If you want to use an external library like Newtonsoft.Json.dll in your project - you have to specify it as a reference for your project (using) by adding that dll to the package.

The same can be achieved by using the Terrasoft core class without adding any explicit dll reference into the package as below,

Example of the code:

using CommonJson = Terrasoft.Common.Json;
string orderItemsInput = CommonJson.Json.Serialize("YourObject");
string orderItemsInput = Terrasoft.Common.Json.Json.Serialize("yourObject");


Serialize Polymorphism




Bhoobalan Palanivelu.

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