Email Activity Rights


I made an external script that create Leads with oData.

It works fine, each new Lead has an associated  email activity object.


The problem is about rights : users can not see the email activity.

The "API" user that create Leads belong to a special group of users, so I tried to delegate read rights of  the Activity object, without success.


What to do next, please ?


best regards,


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Hello Patrice,


You can try to distribute access rights by means of the business process after you create records but this is not the perfect scenario. 

It is still better to understand how to distribute access rights right after the records are created and for that please, provide more details on the process. In particular, the connection between Lead and Emal is not very clear. You create Lead by means of API and when and how do you create Activity?

Thank you for the clarification!


Best regards, 


hello Bogdan,

thanks for your reply.

Both Lead and email activity are created with the API.


best regards


Patrice Vigouroux,


In this case, you can solve that task by means of the Business Process that will distribute access right for the newly created records of the Activity object. The process should be triggered after a new record (Activity) is added.


Best regards,

Bogdan S.

Bogdan Spasibov,


 thanks Bogdan, i will try it soon !

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