I see there are 2 duplicated records in SysProfileData forOrderSectionV2GridSettingsGridDataView
Select * from "SysProfileData"
Where "Key" = 'OrderSectionV2GridSettingsGridDataView'
AND "ContactId" IS NULL
AND "SysCultureId"='1a778e3f-0a8e-e111-84a3-00155d054c03'
And when I save columns setup in Order section for all users the new record is added. But when this new record in bound to the package and installed on Production site, my column setup is not applied.
How safe is it to remove existing 2 records that came out of the box?
Thank you
There is a script that safely removes all duplicates in the table SysProfileData, you can use it:
from "SysProfileData"
where "Id" in
select uuid(min("Id"))
from "SysProfileData"
where "Key"<>'' and "Key"<>'chrome'and "Key"<>'gecko'
group by "Key","ContactId", "SysCultureId"
having count (*) > 1