Different product catalogue / prices per our company

Hi Community,


We have a costumer with 4 companies in 4 different countries and 4 different currencies.

This poses some challenges as creatio opportunities are not setup to work in multicurrency by default and we will have to program this logic into it.

But my question is regarding product catalogues, example:

Our company A (works in €) and Our company B (works in £)

Both sell Product Z

Product Z is sold by company A and B with prices that are not simply the conversion rate of the price from € to £, since due to for example import taxes the price to sell in £ is far higher then to sell in € (our actual case is between Europe and Africa)

I can see 2 approaches:

a) Duplicate the product and then have an extra "our company" variable on the product  to segment the product catalogue, and the users navigate to their catalogue, but i loose the possibility of agregation of data on the product

b) Have the same product with 2 price lists, one for company A and other for company B (which seems the most correct to me) but I would then need to find a way to by default show the appropriate price list to the users of each company


Surely I'm not the 1st one to encounter this issue, so I'm looking for some ideas/suggestions if anyone had this issue and what they found was the best path, or if there is an alternative one.


Thanks in advance,


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Hi Luis,

I have the same question currently, so I'm wondering if you figured out a good approach for this?

I was going to go with a similar approach to your option b) above, but the challenge, other than having to find a way to show the right prices, is that on an Opportunity (which we've also made multi-currency) you can only associate the Base price, and not the price on other price lists. This can obviously be changed (to work like in Orders, but then the conversion to the system base currency would pose a challenge), but I'm wondering if there is a solution I'm not envisioning?



Hello Luis and Artur,


If you need to manage the workflow of your employees from different companies which work with different currencies you can simple track totals by invoices since there is a functionality of converting the currencies.


Also you can create a process that will be triggered upon record modification in the opportunity amount field for example, that will firstly read the value than the process will calculate correct opportunity amount based on currency exchange rate and modify opportunity amount field after that. We suggest creating simple business process which will be triggered when Opportunity record is created. You have to read the account data from the opportunity record that triggered the process in the signal process element, add the currency value from the account to the business process parameter, modify the opportunity record in the currency field with the parameter.


You also can use the currency exchange rates web service integration as it's described here:



Best regards,




For the benefit of the community, this is what we did to overcome the aforementioned challenges:

  • Made Opportunity Amount and Budget fields multi-currency, based on the same Currency field
  • Created a new Price List lookup field on the Opportunity
  • Made Opportunity Product Price and Amount read only
  • Implemented some methods override on OpportunityProductPageV2 page, so that the following happens:
    • When a Product is selected, the Price picked is not the base price, but rather the price on the selected Opportunity Price list, provided it is defined on the Opportunity currency (to avoid currency conversions)
    • If a Price for the selected Product, Price list and currency does not exist, user is informed via showInformationDialog and Price is set to 0.0
    • Added logic to recalculate the Opportunity Product prices and amount (and also Opportunity total amount) every time the Opportunity price list and/or currency are changed



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