Delete function

Hello community,

Is there any function like the save: function(), but that is triggered by the deletion of a record?

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Could you please describe what logic exactly you are trying to achieve in more detail?

Best regards,


Mira Dmitruk,

I am trying to do some operations when I delete a record.

If the function is lets say, onDelete: function() {

       this.callParent(arguments); // here the item will be deleted

       // here is my code, that needs to get triggered only when a record is deleted. this is mainly what I am looking for


Thank you!

The function is called (for both Sections and Details) is "deleteRecords" - this is implemented in the GridUtilitiesV2 mixin used by details and section lists. However, be aware there are many ways a record can be deleted. It might be best to implement any logic that needs to occur on record deleted as a process rather than in any/all places where the record could be deleted in the UI?


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