Current User Account - Business Rule



I am trying to create a business rule that 'hides elements' based upon the 'current user account' as below. I interpreted this variable as the account that the current user's 'Contact' is assigned to. Is this correct? I can't seem to get it to work as intended.



I have added myself as a contact to an account as below.


Is there any way to set up a business rule to show/hide or set read/write permissions based upon whether the current user is assigned to an account?


Thanks in advance,



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If you want to hide the element for certain users and display it for others based on selected data, you need to hide the element by default first. Then, configure it to allow visibility under specific conditions.

If the element is displayed by default and you try to configure it to show for specific roles, it will not work as expected because the element is already visible to everyone by default. In such cases, you should configure it for hiding instead.

Additionally, please note that business rules should not conflict with each other. If they do, the business rules will not function correctly.

More information can be found in our documentation:

Best Regards, 

Thanks Orkhan. Super helpful, much appreciated!

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