Copy the AutoGenerated Number to the copied record

Hello Community,


I have a field in a form page, I wanted the field to be filled with the Master record number when copying a record.


For example: 

Master record numb 1, and now I am copying the record from the menu items from the list form page. 

All the values are copied and a new record page should be opened with Master record Number (1) in the field. 


how can I achieve it? 

I could not see any attribute presenting the parent record number in the copied record. 

Any suggestions is really helpful

Thanks in Advance

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We've found one possible way of achieving the desired result. Here are the steps:

1) Create a business process with the following schema:


The idea here is to pass AccountId as a parameter, read existing account that we are copying (and the value in the autonumbered column particularly) then create a new account record with the default name that is specified in the "Add data" element ([#Read existing account.First item of resulting collection.Name#] + " Copy") and finally open this copied record for editing.

2) In the page designer add a new button that will trigger our business process from step 1 as follows:

Here we pass current record Id as a process parameter for the process to be executed properly.

Additionally this approach will perfectly work in case the user that triggers this process uses new shell (has the "true" value in the system setting with "UseNewShell" code). We've tested it on our side and it copied the record without modifying an autogenerated column, so you can also try this on your side.

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