Convert column from string to lookup

Hi community,

I'm facing an issue with a conversion I did of a column from text to a lookup.

The sequence is as follows:

1) The column was created in DEV as a text, and then exported to PROD.

2) After Costumer realized that this needed to be a lookup and not a text. I converted in DEV the column and no problem.

3) When I try to import the new package I get following error:


2020-01-30 23:16:51,730 Terrasoft.Core.DB.DBMetaActionExecuteException: Error "ALTER TABLE DROP COLUMN failed because column 'imdDestinatarioContacto' does not exist in table 'Opportunity'." occurred when updating schema structure. SQL script text: "ALTER TABLE [dbo].[Opportunity] DROP COLUMN [imdDestinatarioContacto]" ---> System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: ALTER TABLE DROP COLUMN failed because column 'imdDestinatarioContacto' does not exist in table 'Opportunity'.


Te column "imdDestinatarioContacto" allready exists in the PROD environment but I believe that the conflict is being caused by the fact that they have diferent data types.

There is no real risk of data loss as this field is not being used in PROD, so the question is what is the best way to get around this?



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Hi Community,

For anyone facing the same problem, what happened is that when you change the type of a column, creatio creates new column with a different GUID. That is why the 2 columns in DEV and PROD did not match. It was only resolved with intervention of support.

cheers support

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