Compile error regarding JsonProperty on local dev instance


I am getting the following error when I set up file system development on my computer. The compile is successful on initial set up but once I enable file system mode via the web.config file, and download packages,the compiler errors out with the following message. Any idea how to resolve this? The errors are related to out of the box packages. FYI I am using Creatio v8.1.2(for financial services)

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Hi Allen! How are you? Try the following:
1) Install/Deploy the application locally
2) Authorize and allow the inner part of the application to initialize (after login, wait for the application to finish loading).
3) Only after that, make changes in the Web.config file to enable development on the file system and follow further instructions.


Uriel Nusenbaum,

Thank you for the suggestions Uriel! I was using an older Creatio version, so I plan to set up a fresh instance with the latest version and will keep this information in mind during set up.

Good to hear from  you!

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