Changes made gets reflected in the custom package (default) not in the new package


I developed a package that name is 'A', which I try to import on another instance of bpm'online .In new instance current Package id is set 'A'. if  any changes made gets reflected in the custom package (default) not in the new package.


Please give me your feedback..



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Dear Sunitha,

Please check if your package is locked or unlocked (it will be gray if it is locked). Packages are usually locked if they were imported to another instance. 

currently import package is to unlock my package using new instance



They are locked because development process expects user to develop everything on dev- and then transfer changes to prod. They are locked because system expects they are finished and will not be changed anymore. You can read more about developing process on our Academy:…

If this way is not suitable for you you can use version control to transfer the changes and be able to modify them later (see… for more information) 

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