I am having issues when trying to access RecordId in process that is triggered by signal of Adding new item. I receive error "The name 'RoleAddedStartSignal' does not exist in the current context"
Am I missing some point in setup? Used this guidance https://academy.creatio.com/documents/technic-bpms/7-14/signal-start-event
Dear Iuliia,
In order to implement the required functionality please do the following:
1. Create a business process parameter of the “Unique identifier” type https://prnt.sc/stoffe https://prnt.sc/stogvw
2. Set the value of this parameter to the Id of the created record https://prnt.sc/stohh5 https://prnt.sc/stohqm https://prnt.sc/stohxg https://prnt.sc/stoi4z
3. In order to get the value of this parameter in the script task please use the following code:
var caseRecordId = Get<Guid>("AddedCaseRecordId");
Best regards,