Cannot load more than 20000 records

Hi Everyone, 

I have a customization task to read data from let's say "Project" table and insert into external Database. I am using ESQ for this in a source code (screenshot attached).

"Project" have more than 20000 records in it, and we are getting this error message -

Please suggest what we can do to change this limit.

Thanks in advance. 


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If all this is doing is reading data, instead of using an ESQ, use the Select class or direct database query. Neither option will have the 20,000 record limit.

Be aware that both of these options are reading direct from the database tables, bypassing any record access security, etc.

Note, if you want to stick with using ESQ you can page back the results using RowCount and SkipRowCount to read pages less than 20K at a time.


Ryan Farley,

Thank you for your response, I have to first read data and then I need to push this data to external Database. So more specifically in this case I am reading data from Project table in creatio and then I have to upsert data to Project table in external Database (outside creatio)  by iterating on the records I will read. 

Do you think Select class or direct database query this will work in this case? 




Yes either one should work fine, and will likely run faster than using ESQ since it's not adding all the other logic in the Creatio entity model and just reading the data directly from the database.


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