AuthService.svc doesn't throw an error when login on UI does

Hi support team :)  


I just found out that when I can't login on UI because of the Error


  I still can login via authentication service by doing Post request and receive all the cookies needed (like it is described here…). And only when I perform second request as so called  "logged in user" I am interrupted with the the Error:

licManagerException.message = 'Unable to log in: insufficient number of licenses to access the objects used on the portal. A system administrator can modify the list of objects available to portal users';


Thus I do wonder why I am not receiving  'Unable to log in..' error message when I do authentication Post request ? I must be receiving this error message no matter how I am logging in.


Thank you

Looking forward to your reply

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The issue is being resolved within a regular support case. We will post the solution for this issue once it is resolved on the Community as well. 


Thank you for bringing up this issue!


Best regards,


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